
Thank you for deciding to become a member of A Attitude of Gratitude. As you may know, it’s a daily fight for each person afflicted and your support is crucial. Your monthly contributions will help ensure that a person looking for answers to their recovery questions and that the encouragement needed when they want to give up will be there for them.

In addition to knowing that your donation is helping those in need, A Attitude of Gratitude Members receive some additional benefits starting with a gesture of our appreciation that we will send to you when you join. Check out the membership levels below to see what comes with your membership level . We will contact you directly via email for stye, size, color, etc. (These can also be gifted by you to a person who is in recovery.)

Benefits Of Membership

  • Discounts on products offered by our retail store Motowearhouse
  • The opportunity to work with an online mentor who can assist you as you go through the 12 Steps
  • The ability to change or suspend your donation at any time
  • Annual statement provided for tax purposes
  • The knowledge that your donation is put to work immediately
$30 / Month
$1 a Day
Bronze Membership

We will say thank you for your commitment by giving you
a t-shirt of your choice.

$60 / Month
$2 a day
Silver Membership

We will say thank you for your commitment by giving you a
t-shirt and a book of your choice.

$90 / Month
$3 a day
Gold Membership

We will say thank you for your commitment by giving you a bowling shirt and a book of your choice. You are also able to have personal guidance in your recovery program from a mentor who has completed the 12 Steps.