We really hope the A Attitude of Gratitude website answers a lot of your questions about recovery. However, there are a few questions that commonly come up that don’t really fit anywhere else but on an FAQ page. If you have a question that needs an answer that is not found here, please go to our contact page and make a submission. We will get back with you as soon as possible.
Why Is This Called “A Attitude Of Gratitude”?
What may look like improper grammar or a typo is actually done by design. The process we present to you is based upon the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous or “AA”. Therefore we wanted to pay respect in a subtle way to the foundation of our program. Also, we have seen many people overcome their suffering by utilizing a 12 Step program in and ever case an attitude of gratitude arise from having experienced a life transformation.
Is Attitude of Gratitude A Treatment Program?
A Attitude of Gratitude is an online life recovery program. We are not a treatment center but if you look under our resource page you will find a free placement service that is offered by Sober Nexus that will assist you in finding treatment anywhere in the USA.
What Is Addictive Behavior?
It is the compulsive nature of the behavior that is often symptomatic of a addiction in an individual. The compulsion to continually engage in an activity or behavior despite the negative impact on the person’s ability to remain mentally and/or physically healthy and functional in the home and community defines behavioral addiction. Unfortunately, as is common for all who struggle with addiction, people living with behavioral addictions are unable to stop engaging in the behavior for any length of time without assistance. Addictive behavior is not limited to chemicals being injected to adjust mood. An addiction is anything a person cannot stop doing without help.
Why Do Alcoholics And Addicts Keep Using?
Nearly all addicted individuals believe that they can stop using drugs on their own, and most try to stop without treatment. Although some people are successful, many attempts result in failure to achieve long-term abstinence. Research has shown that long-term drug abuse results in changes in the brain that persist long after a person stops using drugs. These drug-induced changes in brain function can have many behavioral consequences, including an inability to exert control over the impulse to use drugs despite adverse consequences; the defining characteristic of addiction. Those afflicted are not weak, they are just unable to control the frequency and the amount that they indulge.
Isn’t It True That You Can’t Help Someone Until They Want Help?
This is not always true. Alcoholics and addicts don’t spontaneously decide to get help for their addiction. Something happens in their life that causes them to want help. Ask yourself this question: “If an alcoholic won’t get help until they want help, what will get them to ever want help?” It can be years of personal tragedy or the loving intervention of family and friends. Sometimes an intervention by a professional may be the best option.
Can Alcoholism And Drug Addiction Be Treated?
Yes. Alcoholism and addiction treatment programs can help a person stop drinking and using drugs. Treatment has helped millions of people stop drinking and drugging, rebuild their lives and live a life in long-term recovery. Many self-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, are also available, as are programs providing help and support for the family and friends of addicts and alcoholics.
What If Our Loved One Relapses After Treatment? Is There Any Point In Trying Again?
For some, long-term recovery from addiction to alcohol or drugs may start after their first self-help meeting or with the first time they go into treatment. But, like other chronic illnesses, recovery from addiction requires a life-long commitment to a program of change. For some, relapse back to active use of alcohol or drugs may play a critical role in guiding them toward a rededication to their recovery. Relapse can be a signal to get back on track, either by returning to meetings, treatment or adjusting the treatment approach.
What Do We Tell Our Children When Mom Or Dad Is In Treatment?
Be honest with your children. Tell them that mom has a disease and she is working to get better. Let them know that if dad continues with this treatment, they will be healed. Ask the treatment center if they have an education and support program for children. Buy books written for children of alcoholics. Go to National Association for Children of Alcoholics for additional resources.