
Read about some outstanding men and women who exemplify strength, character. These all are excellent examples of people using their unique gifts and talents to lead fulfilling lives and contribute to a better world. All of them have battled substance abuse and now doing well in their recovery.

I Am Happier Now Than I Have Ever Been by Sarah D.

Any relationship I was in was revolved around drugs and it always made problems for me. It broke me away from my family and my real friends. I ended up moving around often, chasing what I thought was true love, but in actuality it was my love for an addiction. Read More…

Peace With Who I Am by John W.

It took him about three years to realize that his addiction had shifted from the point that he thought he controlled it to the point that it controlled him. Even then, he was not ready to do anything about it; the drugs were still somehow working for him at that point. It took him until he was about 29 years old to realize that his entire life was completely controlled by drugs.
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You Truly Can Do Anything by Lisa K.

I (thought I) needed heroin to survive, to be able to be a “functioning” member of society. At times, I even considered taking my drug dealers up on their offers for sex in exchange for drugs. I never took it that far, but for me, the consideration of the proposition was bad enough. Read More…